Cross-Browser Testing with Playwright and Java

What is cross browser testing

Cross-browser testing is a crucial aspect of web application testing that ensures your web pages function correctly and look consistent across different browsers and their versions. However, performing cross-browser testing manually can be time-consuming and error-prone. This is where automated testing tools like Playwright come into play. Playwright is a powerful and versatile browser automation library that simplifies cross-browser testing by providing a unified API to interact with multiple browsers. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to perform cross-browser testing using Playwright with Java and streamline your testing process.

Cross-browser testing with Playwright and Java involves testing your web application on multiple web browsers to ensure consistent functionality and appearance. Playwright provides a powerful way to automate browser interactions, and you can use it to perform cross-browser testing efficiently. Here’s how to regenerate cross-browser tests using Playwright and Java:

Set Up Project:

  • Create a new Java project using your preferred build tool (Maven or Gradle).
  • Add the Playwright Java dependency to your project configuration file, as shown in the previous response.

Write Cross-Browser Test Scripts:

  • Create test classes and methods to represent your cross-browser test scenarios.
  • Use Playwright’s Browser Type class to launch different browser instances (Chromium, Firefox, WebKit) and perform actions.

Example JUnit test class for cross-browser testing:

import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

public class CrossBrowserTest {
    private Playwright playwright;
    private Browser browser;
    private BrowserContext context;
    private Page page;

    public void setUp() {
        playwright = Playwright.create();
        browser = playwright.chromium().launch();
        context = browser.newContext();
        page = context.newPage();

    public void tearDown() {

    public void testCrossBrowserCompatibility() {
        // Perform interactions and assertions here

In this example, we use the instanceof operator to determine the browser type (Chromium, Firefox, or WebKit) and perform browser-specific interactions accordingly. These interactions are just illustrative; you can customize them based on your actual test scenarios.

Remember that this is a simplified example. In a real-world scenario, you would likely have more complex interactions, assertions, and multiple test cases covering various aspects of cross-browser compatibility.

To run the test, use your build tool’s test command (e.g., mvn test or gradle test), and Playwright will execute the test on different browser instances.

Make sure to refer to the Playwright Java documentation and the documentation of your testing framework for more advanced features, configuration options, and best practices.

Loop Through Browsers:

  • Modify your test methods to iterate over different browser types (chromium, firefox, webkit).
  • Customize your tests for each browser as needed.
BrowserType[] browserTypes = new BrowserType[]{

for (BrowserType browserType : browserTypes) {
    Browser browser = browserType.launch();
    // ... rest of the test logic ...

Assertions and Reporting:

  • Assertions and reporting are crucial aspects of any testing process, including cross-browser testing with Playwright and Java. Assertions help verify that your tests are functioning as expected, while reporting provides insights into the test results and any issues that may arise. Here’s how to handle assertions and reporting in your cross-browser tests:
  • Assertions:
    Use assertions to validate that the expected outcomes of your tests match the actual results. Assertions are typically provided by your chosen testing framework (e.g., JUnit or TestNG). Add assertions to your test methods to check if specific conditions hold true. Example using JUnit assertions:
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;


public void testCrossBrowserCompatibility() {

    // ... (test scenario)

    // Assertion: Check if a certain element is visible


    // Assertion: Check if a specific text is present

    Assertions.assertTrue(page.textContent("h3").contains("Playwright Java"));



Reporting tools help you capture and analyze test results. The reporting capabilities depend on your testing framework, but most frameworks provide some form of reporting out of the box. You can also integrate third-party reporting tools for more advanced reporting features. For example, JUnit generates test reports by default. These reports include information about test passes, failures, and errors. You can find the generated reports in the target directory of your Maven project.

  • Customizing Reporting (Optional):
    If you want more detailed or customized reporting, consider the following options:
  • Custom Test Names:
    Many testing frameworks allow you to specify custom test names, making it easier to understand the purpose of each test in the report.
  • Attachments and Screenshots:
    In case of test failures, you can capture screenshots or attachments to provide additional context for debugging. Playwright’s page.screenshot() method can help with this.
  • Integrate with CI/CD:
    If you’re using a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline, you can integrate the reporting process into your pipeline for automated test execution and result analysis.
  • Third-Party Reporting Tools (Optional):
    You can consider integrating third-party reporting tools to enhance your reporting capabilities. For example, Allure, ExtentReports, or ReportPortal are popular reporting frameworks that offer more detailed and interactive test reporting.
    • Remember that effective reporting helps you quickly identify test failures, understand their context, and take appropriate actions. Combining thorough assertions with clear reporting practices ensures that your cross-browser tests are reliable and contribute to maintaining the quality of your web application.

Run Cross-Browser Tests:

  • To run cross-browser tests using Playwright and Java, you need to follow these steps:
  • Setup Project:
    Make sure you have a Java project set up with the necessary dependencies, including the Playwright Java library. You should also have your test scripts ready, as explained in the previous responses.
  • Choose Testing Framework:
    Choose a testing framework like JUnit or TestNG to structure and run your tests. In this example, we’ll use JUnit.
  • Run Tests:
    To run the tests, you can use the testing framework’s command-line interface or your build tool’s commands. In this example, we’ll assume you’re using Maven.
    • Open a terminal or command prompt.
    • Navigate to your project directory containing the pom.xml file.
    • Run the following command to execute your tests: mvn test This command will trigger the test execution process, which includes launching different browsers for each test method.
  • View Test Results:
    After the test execution is complete, you’ll see the test results displayed in the terminal. The testing framework will provide information about which tests passed, which failed, and any errors that occurred.
    • Remember that each test method in your test class represents a specific cross-browser scenario. The framework will run each test method on different browser instances, ensuring cross-browser compatibility.
    • Here’s a summary of the steps for running cross-browser tests using Playwright and Java:
    • Set up your Java project with dependencies and test scripts.
    • Choose a testing framework (e.g., JUnit).
    • Open a terminal/command prompt in your project directory.
    • Run the tests using the appropriate command (mvn test for Maven).
    • Review the test results to see if tests passed or failed.
    • Keep in mind that Playwright provides the underlying browser automation capabilities, while the testing framework helps you structure and execute tests. Make sure to adapt the instructions based on your specific project structure and tools.

Remember to refer to Playwright’s documentation and your chosen testing framework’s documentation for more advanced features and best practices. Cross-browser testing helps ensure that your web application works well across different browsers and improves the user experience for a broader audience.


Cross-browser testing is crucial to ensure your web application provides a consistent and reliable user experience across different browsers and platforms. By using Playwright with Java, you can streamline your cross-browser testing process and identify potential issues early in the development cycle. With its powerful features and support for multiple browsers, Playwright empowers you to create robust and reliable tests that increase the quality of your web application. Start implementing cross-browser testing with Playwright and Java in your projects today and deliver a seamless user experience to your users. Happy testing!

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